The etymology of the word Chittapavan may be anything according hearsay, or fable, but one thing is certain that from the characteristics of the sharp figure, white colour, feline eyes and intelligent face, they should be constituents of one of the excellent groups of the Aryans. Their manly nationalism is totally of different type than the clever and selfish Bangali intellectuals. Taking into account the specialties of their nature there is no wonder that during the Mogal regime, they came from the Konkan region to the plateau i.e top of the Ghats, and became leaders in the social and political life of Maharashtra. In the matter of intellectual excellence and efficiency their names are leading in the first rank in a number of fields."
The Konkanastha women are the best examples of combination of beauty, culture and command. In their noble beauty there is such a combination of delicacy and fearlessness that they appear as if the Greek beauties have come to the coconut and mango gardens of the Konkan, for a pleasure walk. If you see them bringing water from the river in a pitcher on their waist or going around the Tulshi Vrindavan, (the sacred basic plant) the appropriateness of the above statement will be understood. Their clothes are mostly simple but made of colourful cloth. Looking very bright in the early morning sun or the twilight reddish golden sun, they look like beautiful paintings of famous artists like a Turner or Clodd . Their external beauty is a reflection of their inner beauty. They are ideal wives and mothers. The traditional Hindu ideal of devotion and sacrifice is experienced from their demenaour. This is the type of the high ideal that is praised by writers like Mockoclis and philosophers like St. Paul and St. Augistin. They feel very happy to carry on their household work diligently. Their minds are not disturbed by the honour in the outside world. They think it their highest honour of life in the continuous efforts to do their best for the welfare of their children and to become eligible always for getting respect from their husbands .
(From the information sent by Dr. D.V.Jog - reference : The Karve Family History.)