2) Vaishakh
This is the second month of Shaliwahan calendar. The 3rd moon ascending day of Vaishakha is called Akshay tritiya. That which does not die is Akshay. The Havan (offering to God through fire as a carrier ) is never wasted. This is a half auspicious day muhurt of the 3and ½ auspicious days of the year.
This is the first day of Krit Yuga. Lord Parshuram was born on this day only.
This is an important day for women. The Gauri which comes to her parent’s home goes back to her hunband’s house on this day. On this day sweets are made and a married women is invited for meals. Married women go to one another’s houses for ‘haladi-kunku’ celebration
This a ritual to give send-off to Gauri.
3) Jyeshtha
This is the third month of Shaliwahan calendar.
VataPournima: The 15th moon ascending day of Jyeshtha month is called Vata Pournima. The symbol of uninterrupted good luck in the Indian tradition is Savitri. Even Yama ( Death) had to bow down to accede to her demand. Savitri covered the dead body of Satyawan with the leaves of the Banyan tree, and she brought the prana, the life of Satyawan back from Yama the god of death, and Satyawan became alive. That day was the Pournima of Jyeshtha month. On this day, married women take bath and then wrap the cotton yarn around the Banyan tree. Keep mangoes, bananas in front of the tree and worship it. Women also observe a fast on this day. If a banyan tree is not found, they bring a branch of the banyan tree and worship it. This is a famous ritual among Indian women.
4) Ashadha
This is the fourth month of Shaliwahan calendar.
Chaturmas: It means the period of 4 months beginning with 11th moon ascending day of Ashadha (Shuddha) till the 11th moon ascending day of Kartik month. During this period the gods are asleep. Therefore, this period is God’s night and the demons (Asur) harass human beings, as a result, human beings remain alert and conscious and observe the vows and rituals, because there is a belief that this good collected by vow and rituals could be helpful like a power to destroy the demons. On the 11th day the gods wake up from their sleep and then on the 12th day a feast (parane) is arranged.
Divyachi Awas: The 15 moon descending day of the Ashadha is called Ashadhi Amavasya. There is an important place to the lamp, the wick, the small wick and light in the Indian culture. So much is the lamp and its light part of human life in the Indian tradition that Pran i.e. life is called the Pranajyot means the wick of life. Children in the family are called lamps of the family. Deep i.e Lamp is light, the brilliance. Darkness means difficulties. Man should be brilliant so that calamities automatically vanish or get destroyed. This is the message of the lamp worship. It is the concept that the Laxmi comes in to the house at the time of lighting a lamp in the evening and at the same time the ill-goddess of Poverty goes out of the house. On Ahasdhi Amavasya a lamp is worshipped in all houses. For the meals that day, lamps are made from the dough of various foodgrains, and they are lighted also. This is therefore called Divyachi Amavasya, The nomoon day of Light.