• All brothers and sisters of the Karmarker family

  • All office bearers, invited members and their family members of the Karmarkar Foundation.

  • All the newspapers, especially the Maharashtra Times, Lokksatta and Daily Sakal, which helped from the beginning till the publication.

  • All donors who donates for the printing and publication of the Family history.

  • Sarvarshri Dattatraya Nagesh (Andheri), Anant Krishnaji (VileParle), and Suresh Raghunath(Borivali) who worked with me shoulder to shoulder in carrying out the information collection, proof-reading and all other aspects of the work.

  • All those people, and they were many, who helped in proof-reading, especially all the members of my family, my wife Mrs. Vrishali (Vijaya), my daughters Namita and Shilpa, as also Miss Darpana Karmarkar, Miss Sharvari Bakre and Shyam R.Karmarkar and all the employees working in the Company Chartered Accounts office, and Mrs. Lata Pandurang Nene,Vijaynagar, Andheri, who typed the first copy of the book.

  • All the directors of M/s. Reflection Print Communications Private limited for the attractive and clean printing of the book within the limited period, and especially SarvaShri Sandesh Jadhav, Santosh Goriwale, Sandesh Ghadi, Gauri Joshi, Nilesh Dalvi and all their assistants.

  • Shri Santhosh Parab of M/s. Reflection Print Communications Private limited, for decent and beautiful multi-coloured picture and design printed on the front cover of the book.

  • All the published family histories books of all the Chittapavan, especially those of the Karve, Pendse, Deodhar-Dikshit-Dhamdhere, Sathe-Sathye, Gadre and Khadilkar and Gokhale family history books.

  • Earlier printed articles and other information of “The Karmarkar Foundation”

  • Allrelatives of Sculptor Padmashri Vinayak Pandurang, Rear Admiral Sadashiv Ganesh andDr. Narendra krishnarao and the references books published about these personalities.

  • I thank all those individuals who helped in this work, but whose names are inadvertently or by mistake, remained to be mentioned in this book.