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FAMILIES – Genealogies And Information Given In An Alphabetical Order And a not on the Presentation System:
Shyam Raghunath Karmarkar, 51 Rajlaxmi,15th road, Khar ( W),Mumbai 400 002
A) Families: Families are mentioned with village names. It is convenient and also customary.
B) Order of the families: from the information available so far,it is noted that most of the Karmarkars have their original villages in the district of Ratnagiri.
The family are listed with original village names, and those village names are arranged alphabetically. A brief note on the village, wherever possible, is also given and it is also suggested how to reach that place from Mumbai or Pune.
C) Genealogy and its arrangement (presentation)

  1. The details about preparation of genealogy have already been explained in the Introduction to this book. When the original village of a certain family is one, then the genealogy should also be one. But due to circumstances, the Karmarkars migrated from the village of origin to various places, and settled there and later no contacts were maintained among one another. Since the information was received from various sources and their known original persons found to be different and the relationship of all of them could not be established, the genealogies are given keeping them independent of others and are given numbers.

  2. The left hand page and the right hand page together form a part of one genealogy. In that case the genealogy is given in the first, immediately followed by information of concerned persons.
    When in a genealogy the known original person is one, but the genealogy widely spread, the genealogy is made into numbered parts, the genealogy is given on pages after pages continuously till the end.

  3. The numbers of generations are given on both sides of pages, if necessary and their order is kept from top to bottom.
  4. In the genealogy, only the names of men are written as are written in the documents. The expansion of the genealogy is placed from the top to bottom and to indicate the relation of father-son, a vertical line is drawn to join them. Names of daughters, wherever known, are also given.
  5. In order that a genealogy could be printed in a small place and could be understood quickly, at some places names of brothers are not given horizontally one below the other but in a line, and when there is no vertical line between the two names, they are to be taken as names of brothers. Out of these, in case of the person whose genealogy is continued further, his name is given in the vertical order but at the end, and his relation with son is shown with a vertical line.
  6. Wherever it was known that the genealogy of a particular person is not continued further, there is a vertical line below the name, or left open.
  7. The names of brothers may not necessarily be in the order of seniority, but wherever the seniority is definitely known, the names are given according to the seniority and the number is given in a bracket at the right side of the names.
  8. If the individual person has come as by way adaptation, it is indicated by the Marathi letter D. Aa. And if the individual person has gone out by way of adaptation the letters as D.Ge are mentioned in front or below the concerned names
