E) The order of this information :
Information of individual persons is given in the order as was decided by the editorial committee after careful research.
- While giving the information first the number of the concerned person in the generation is given and as far as possible his name with father’s name is printed in bold letters.
- After the name of a person, the place of birth, date of birth, education and then information of bio-data given in brief in that order. But, when there is something special in the bio-data of a person, the information is given with some more details. At the end, the residential address is given with pin codes.
- Information of wife : wherever it is available, first, her married name is given in bold letters, and then her parents’ name is given in the bracket. After that information of her birth place, birth date, education, date of marriage, occupation and other information is given with details, if available. At the end, her father’s name and place of residence are given.
- Information of daughters. – The word Kanya ( daughter) is printed in bold letters. Then the names of daughters are printed in normal letters. In case of a married daughter, first her maternal name is printed with the name of her father-in-law in the bracket. Thereafter, information of her place of birth, date of birth, education and date of marriage, and the details of profession is given, if available, and if she is not staying with the father, but independently, then the address with is given with the pin code.
The explanation of certain letters used in the book:
J – Janma Thikan, ( birth place and date of birth), Mri – date of death, the mention of education is sometimes made in English words. Vi – Vivah ( marriage date), bhra – Bhratar ( husband).
U) other information:
1)The dates of birth, death, education, profession, service, are chronologically arranged in the figures of A.D. Whenever these figures indicate Shak, it is specifically mentioned in the bracket as ‘Shake”
2) The titles before the names of persons like Shriyut, Rajamanya, Rajeshri, Teerthroop, Doctor, Chiranjeev, Kumar, Shrimati, Saubhagyavati, Gangabhagirathi, Kumari or the titles received in honour or indicative of professions are not mentioned. Similarly the suffixes to the names such as Pant, Rao, Saheb Jee etc are also not mentioned. Of course, it is possible that some may have remained, if at all, inadvertently.
3)In case of those whose information could not be received in spite of efforts, or who did not give their information, their names are given mentioning accordingly.
4)When there is no information mentioned against the name, it is to be understood that no information was available.