Family Branches Family TreeList of Family PersonsName And Gotra
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The writing of this book began really after July/August 1998. However, in spite of the time lost, first in collection of information, then while looking after my professional work as C.A., subsequently due to the unfortunate sudden demise of my elder brother on 1st December 1998, and the time it took for my family members to fill the gap of such a great loss, and the delay caused because of a number of difficulties and other reasons, also due to the lack of any previous experience in carrying out such a work, it is a matter of great satisfaction for me that this volume is being presented to all of here today.

There is never any end to Time and history. As a result, it is never possible to record the time oriented information of the past with all its all various aspects. Naturally, therefore, there are always possibilities of shortfalls and defects in this kind of work. An effort has been made to publish in this book whatever information that could be collected. However, brothers in our family are requested to communicate all those mistakes and shortfalls found in this book so that proper care would be taken in the next edition of this volume. I would like to specially mention one thing here that, though the information collection of this family history was done all by myself, in the case of writing the book Sarvarshri Dattatraya Nagesh (Andheri), Anant Krishnaji, and Suresh Raghunath worked with me shoulder to shoulder. In fact, in matter of writing work, the lion’s share goes to Shri Dattatraya Nagesh.This is a collective team-work and a number of people helped. Thanks to all of them.

The family history is in a way a respectful memoir of our ancestors, our forefathers. I feel today great satisfaction that all those years spent in doing this work have fulfilled a purpose. I do not only hope but am very confident that all the brother members of our clan would feel satisfaction to keep at least one copy of this history book as a reference book in their families. I sincerely pray at the feet of our family mother goddess Kelai Devi and father deity Shri Harihareshwar, that with their blessing and graces, we, all our brothern of the Karmarkar family continue and carry on good work in the interest of our nation, our people, our religion and over and above all in perpetuating and enhancing the glory of our divine family deities. I dedicate this humble service to the feet of divine mother Kelai Devi and Shri Shri Harihareshwar. To end this editorial statement, I humbly pray to our family God Shri Shri Harihareshwar and Godess Kelai Devi that they continue to bestow their blessing to all the members of of the Karmarkar family,forever.

Shyam Raghunath Karmarkar

